Journal #6 (NETS 3 & 5)

Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google : The complete guide. Retrieved from

 Summary: This article by Ben Parr gives new users of Google+ or people interested in using it, an overview of what Google+ is all about. It seems to be geared more toward adults and professionals. Starting with a basic intro, he then goes into more detail about the features of Google+ using videos and simple explanations about this new social networking tool. Often comparing these to other popular websites like Twitter and Facebook, he breaks down exactly what circles, profiles, sparks, hangouts, and photos are and what people can do with them. The article also has quotes from Google+ users discussing why they believe that others should be using it too. The cheat sheet with shortcuts is a great reference for those who are still learning how to use it.

Question 1: Would Google+ be a useful tool for teachers to use? 
Answer 1: Yes, Google+ is a very useful tool for teachers because everything is much more easily organized. Using Circles, teachers can put people in different groups depending on their needs, like parents, co-workers, other educators, friends, and family. They can keep posts about their personal life completely separate from their work life. It allows teachers to network with other teachers and with Spark, they can share ideas, websites, and videos. Hangouts, the video chat feature, allows for up to 10 people to connect with each other. This is just another great way for people to communicate and share their experiences as teachers. It can also allow teachers to communicate with parents and students without having to actually be face to face. This free service is invaluable for teachers, especially since it is important to stay in touch with parents. With people's busy lives, this allows for that even if a parent can't physically be at a school to discuss their child. 

Brogan, C. (2011, Sept 30).Educators - google plus is for you. Retrieved from Although this is a short article, Chris Brogan discusses why Google+ is a great collaboration tool for teachers to use. He gives examples of how educators can use the features. With Circles, a teacher can post lesson plans or give more information for students to refer to later. They can choose who to share the information with, allowing only students to see it. With Hangouts, a teacher can invite guest speakers to speak or discuss educational topics. This article really only gives a very basic overview of how useful it is for teachers, but it could be a great way for a teacher to learn about Google+ and how they can use it to add to their classroom time with students.

Question 2: How do students of teachers using Google+ benefit from it?
Answer 2: In addition to classroom time, teachers who post information on lesson plans online can share even more resources to their students. This is great for students who learn in different ways, they can explore different websites, watch videos, and collaborate with other students on an almost any subject. This means that the teaching is not ending when the student steps outside of their classroom.


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